Wakamatsu Shrine
Wakamatsu Traditional Architecture Office
TEL: 0594-73-1996 *Guidance available

The temple was founded in 1949, and was founded by Shakeisho Hoshi.
Prior to this, on March 1, 1924, Reverend Esho came to Toyohashi alone and opened a Shinryojo at 16-1 Kawara-machi Aza-dori. The temple was relocated to 69-1 Minamiura, Tsukido-cho, and in October 1932, a new hall was built at its current location in Oi-machi, and the appearance of the temple was improved for the first time.
During this period, during the 10th year of the Taisho Era (1922), the standing statue of Amida Nyorai, the principal deity of Kanshoji Temple in Denpo-mura, Gushi-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture, was solicited and called Kanshoji Temple. After being certified by the town church, it became Kansho-ji Temple as a single official temple 24 years after the war. It was 36 years after Master Esho's visit to Toyo in the 3rd year of Taisho.
Keisho, surnamed Yamaguchi, was born in Kyozenji Temple, Akitsu Village, Minami Katsuragi District, Nara Prefecture. I changed it three times, and I was lonely at this temple as of January 24, 1932. Although the official name of the temple was 17 years after that, at this temple we look up to the master as Kaizan Ryokakuin Eshoboshi. During the war, we donated all the Buddhist altar fittings and fixtures, and escaped from both the war and the Agricultural Land Law, but Keisho's eldest son, Kosho, died of an illness in Hunan Province on November 13, 1919. During this time, Ise Shojunji Kusanagi also served as the head priest of Ise Shojunji Temple, and in 2011, he became the head priest of Kosho's younger brother, Kenteru, and is currently applying for appointment as chief priest. increase.
Current precincts and buildings Precincts: 50.65 tsubo
Building main hall warehouse combined standard 32.50 tsubo
Kanshoji Temple